
Archive for the ‘O Canada’ Category

So, what do you all think of the papers? Aren’t the colors just yummy? I’ve got the elements for you today, as promised. There are a bunch more than in the preview, but I didn’t want to make it look too cluttered, ya know?

Oh, and I’ve got some products I hope to be releasing this week. I’ve finally gotten back to my zoo kit, but then had inspiration hit! I’m going to release it as three different kits, so that you can pick the one that fits your style best. One will be a wood edition with all carved animals, carved frames, and carved word art. The second kit will be a leather kit. Then, the third kit will be a chipboard kit. Cool, huh? I’m working on wrapping up the wood kit now. Hopefully, it will be in my stores on Monday! I already gave you a sneak peak, but I might have a freebie to go with it, too!

Anyway, back to the point of this post: your elements! Click the preview to download from 4Shared. Enjoy!


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Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I was so excited to see that during the last two days over 700 people have been riding along on the STS Blog Train, and that 270 of you have downloaded my part! I really enjoy designing the elements and papers for these kits, and I am so glad that you all are finding my stuff useful!

There are a bunch of 4th of July sales going on this weekend, so be sure to stop by my stores to get some great deals on my kits! This flier from Butterfly Blush Designs was created by Deb using my “Feelin’ Patriotic” mini kit.

Be sure to stop by Scrap It Sassy and Scrap Heaven Boutique, too!

Now, this is where the title of my post comes in. I was working on a kit to put in my stores for Canada Day, but I just kinda lost my steam on it. I’m still not sure that it’s exactly where I want it to be. Maybe one day I’ll get motivated again and add a bunch more papers and elements, but until then, I’m going to offer it up as a freebie for you all. I’ll probably leave it up here for a week, and then stick it in the dollar bin at my stores. I absolutely love the colors I was working with! I’m not a Canadian, but I did do some research for this kit, so hopefully it will pass muster, lol. Today I have the papers for you. Come back tomorrow for the elements. Click the preview to download from 4Shared.

By the way, check out my newest preview.  I’m still working to develop something that I really like. If you get the chance, leave me a comment here or on 4Shared letting my know what you think of it. I might offer my old one up as a freebie some time this month. 


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